Cell Construction

Bobbin Cell Construction

Bobbin cells (shown below) have a smaller electrode surface area, and therefore are generally used in applications, which require very low current drain, such as battery backup. Our QTC85 family of lithium cells are an example of bobbin construction.

bobin cell construction diagram

Dual Anode Cell Construction

Dual Anode cells (also referred to as "moderate rate cells") have a greater electrode surface area than bobbin cells, and can therefore deliver higher current and better performance in moderate current drain applications. All Electrochem cells with an "MR" model designation are dual anode cells.

Dual Anode cell construction diagram

Spiral Cell Construction

Spiral wound cells offer higher energy density, higher current capability and more consistent performance for moderate to high rate applications. In addition, a number of Electrochem's spiral wound cells offer superior restart performance for pulsed or intermittent applications.